“Ageing is an extraordinary process where you become the person you always should have been.” - David Bowie

Welcome to Also! This isn’t so much a newsletter as it is a coffee date. If we were sitting at our favorite café having a good laugh or a good cry, these are the topics that would very likely come up:

Relationships. With friends, with partners, our kids, our parents, our siblings, other random adults, and most importantly, ourselves.


Mom stuff. I had a “geriatric pregnancy,” (rude!) so I’m an old(er) mom to a six year old son. Lots to unpack here, especially since I started having hot flashes in the kinder car line. Ha! Some of it is mind-fuckery, and much of it is wonder and full-on joy. (The hot flashes stopped pretty quickly, incidentally. I have some thoughts as to how/why. I’m sure it’ll come up at some point.)

Which brings me to…

Health. I graduated with a psych degree, and worked as a personal fitness trainer here in Los Angeles for twenty+ years, as one does. My youngest client was 13 years old, and my oldest was 96. I’ve seen some things. The common thread? Emotional and physical health are very tightly integrated.

Oh, and sometimes…

When the stars align, I am an actor. I love art, all of it. I am re-releasing my podcast featuring candid conversations with artists - writers, actors, directors, painters, illustrators, novelists, musicians, and many more, here! The show is called Her Process, and I hope you’ll take a listen.

Given all of the above…

I’ll be sharing stories and maybe some rants, essays, and even the occasional fitness tip. Like I said, stuff we’d talk about on our coffee dates. If you have any questions at all, or just want to add to the conversation, please share in the comment section! Let’s chat!

P.S. If you made it this far, and you’re going to hang for a bit, I’d love to know what your drink of choice would be at the café. For me, it’s an almond milk latte. 🩶


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Writing from the intersection of relationships, motherhood, art and wellbeing. It's a four way intersection.