I'm a Sagittarius Sun (dreamer, traveler, obsessed with the big questions), with a Capricorn rising and Virgo moon... I hear you on keeping things tidy, although as a kid I was as messy as anything. I feel both blessed and annoyed by those two earth signs anchoring my Sagi soul to the ground :) Look forward to seeing you here more!

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Loved your answers to the questions, especially #1! I am so excited to hear how pottery goes.

1. I think less "want to try" and more "want to try harder". Whenever I draw, it brings me a calm I don't get from other things. It is FUN and it is just for me, in my sketchbook. No judgement, nothing. I want more of that.

I also want to commit to more stand up and improv, having neglected to do anything but dip my toes in a long, long time.

2. I am Aquarius and the most I can tell you, is that every time I see a meme about us I go "SO TRUE!" haha.

3. OH YOU KNOW I am a morning person (: we have very similar sleep schedules and that is why we are both so cool.

4. In an alternate universe, I am pursuing life with the confidence of a man. I could start faking it until I make it, but there is a fear that I would become arrogant if I did so I will stay where I am where I am kinder haha.

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by Jo Bozarth

I have Recently been exploring pottery, art and jewelry making classes and music . It’s time for my creative side to get some love.

Virgo like you (1 day older 🥰) I have so many of your traits- amazed we weren’t joined at the hip when we were younger!

I am a night owl. Do not like mornings at all. During my brains active time- I practice music, read or try to learn new things. Learning to enjoy alone time and being comfortable with my self are things I contantly work on.

In my alternate universe I am a high powered, successful business woman. I chose the total opposite path for this life, but I admire women I see in those roles. I can’t say this won’t happen in my current life, I may be on the way. Who knows?

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These are interesting questions, and I enjoyed reading your responses! I knew two of them, but understand the detail behind them more now.

1. Mine is also pottery and/or clay sculpture. I enjoy lots of different mediums; however, something about clay seems rather uniquely visceral, and almost meditative.

2. I am a Virgo-Libra cusp rider. I’m generally skeptical about esoteric topics, but this (and Bean Sprout being a cliché Pisces) is an instance I have found to be oddly specific and accurate. I’m very Virgo, but have never quite felt fully Virgo. When I read about cusps and looked at mine the rest really clicked into place.

3. I’m 100% a morning person. I’ve always preferred to wake early, have a quiet morning to myself, and a more productive midday pattern before winding down for the night. Something about parenthood has messed with my ability to go to sleep earlier, but ideally I prefer to be asleep by 10pm and wake up around 5am.

4. In an alternate universe I am… a spinster. I don’t regret having had feelings for and investing in relationships the past couple decades, but I can clearly see an imbalance between my dedication to supporting my partner(s) and vice versa. I’m a very team focused person in any type of relationship, and have consistently had partners who aren’t - a couple have pretended really well, but there was no proof in the pudding. My alternate self would have just not even put themselves through that, and would have instead focused that energy towards their craft and self development. I’m in the process of doing this more now, but it’s much more challenging as a military spouse and mom than it would have been solo.

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Pottery and clay sculpture! Yes! Seems so visceral and meditative. I’m very excited to experience it.

Look at us, Virgos with Pisces babes. Opposite end of the zodiac. Very yin and yang. What other sign are you on the cusp of?

I wonder if the stresses of parenthood have messed with your ability to fall asleep earlier. They’ve definitely messed with my ability to stay asleep.

I have always marveled at your ability to be so supportive and to be able to keep on keeping on. I admire you so much.

You are so artistic and intellectual. A wonderful combination. And you have so much to offer the world. I’m glad you are finally able to find the time to pursue those aspects of who you are.

Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions! I always love reading anything you have to say, but what a treat when I get to read/learn more about you! ♥️

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by Jo Bozarth

1.Singing. I sing, in the car, or when doing the dishes, but I wouldn’t mind taking voice lessons.😊

2. Scorpio ♏️. I’m not sure what it signifies but have been told that it fits.

3. Total night owl. Definitely not a morning person. Started in college but really in grad school when I would be up late reading and writing. These days my ‘best work’ might be at different times of day but I can still get work done at midnight.

4. Professional soccer player, but as those days have passed, maybe professional soccer coach? Difficult and stressful but probably fun😊

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